Tuesday, May 19, 2009

American Idol Review 5/19/2009

Tonight's finale was great. Both contestants did a really good job, save for the song that Kara wrote, which we thought wasn't very well suited for either contestant. Paula's fake tan and hair were also a little confusing and weird tonight. As for our official predictions:

Blake: Adam for the win.

Tracy: I hope Adam will win, but the only thing that COULD let Kris win is the fact that Danny's voters will most likely vote for Kris, since Kris is more similar to Danny than Adam is. I really think it's too close to call at this point, but I'm hoping for Adam. But no matter who wins, Adam will be the most famous, be on the radio the most, and sell the most records by far.

One point of annoyance, Blake decided to emotionally abuse me tonight by voting for Kris every time I voted for Adam. It makes me furious. Every time I would pick up the phone and say something like "time to vote for Adam", he would mimic me by saying "Time to vote for Kris" and then he would vote for Kris, even though he doesn't care that much. It just makes me so mad because he knows how much I hate it and it's totally cancelling out my vote, making me madder. Why must my husband torture me this way???

On another note, we watched the Glee premiere , and I thought it was so/so. Some of it was kind of corny, but I do love the main singer Rachel, and anytime they do group singing stuff. I'm just really into musicals and stuff like that. We'll see how the show is in September.

Expect a post tomorrow about the results show!!